DMA Consultancy Limited

DMA Competencies Model


In the DMA model, a competency is defined as a set of behaviours, which contribute to the effective performance of an individual at a given level of accountability.

These behaviours will result from the individual's unique mix of qualities, values and predispositions, attitudes, motives and abilities, and may be underpinned by certain transferable management skills. 

The individual's competency at different levels of accountability can be assessed in terms of the consistency with which they are observed to exercise and demonstrate these behaviours as they discharge their accountabilities.

Characteristics of the DMA Competency Model

The DMA competency model comprises a set of indicators describing the behaviours associated with effective performance at each level of accountability.

These behaviours derive from the changing nature of accountabilities at each level, depending upon the seven DMA elements:
  • Nature of Work
  • Resource Complexity
  • Problem Solving
  • Change
  • Natural Work Team
  • External Interaction
  • Timeframe

Observable behaviours are identified for each level of accountability.  These behaviours are associated with high performance at each level.

The behaviours tend to be cumulative, so that at higher accountability levels managers should already be demonstrating the required behaviours at lower levels.

Benefits of Applying the DMA Competency Model

Applying the DMA competency model will enable an Organization to:
  • Communicate clearly to jobholders those behaviours, which are associated with high performance at their respective levels of accountability.
  • Identify priority competency development needs for individual managers either for current or future accountabilities.
  • Identify new opportunities for individuals to demonstrate behaviours, which contribute to high performance either at their current, or the next, level of accountability.
  • Identify individuals who, at their current level, are demonstrating behaviours, which suggest a potential to move to the next level of accountability. 
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